Lake-Sumter Central Office, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Your donation is tax-deductible as allowed by law.
The primary purpose of Lake-Sumter Central Office is to help inform the greater community about AA and alcoholism so that those who need help can find recovery from alcoholism.
Lake-Sumter Central Office is an organization created and sustained by AA groups in the Lake-Sumter area.

Manual Contributions

Contribute with Check
Please mail your contribution to Lake-Sumter Central Office Inc. 2113 Citrus Blvd. Ste. A, Leesburg FL 34748.
  • Make check payable to: Lake-Sumter Central Office Inc.
  • Mark check with: “donation” and also add group name/number if applicable.
Contribute with Cash
All cash must be hand delivered to Lake-Sumter Central Office Inc. 2113 Citrus Blvd. Ste. A, Leesburg FL 34748.
  • Do not send cash by mail.

Grateful Givers

One of the best ways you can help us carry the message is to become a member of the “Grateful Givers”. These are people who donate $5 or more each month to supporting our primary purpose around the Lake-Sumter County Area. Grateful Givers donations can be set up on a monthly automatic charge on your debit or credit card.

Lake-Sumter Central Office Inc. is very appreciative of all donations. As Bill W. remarked, it’s not how much you give, but the fact that you do give to help support AA.

  1. Print Grateful Givers Form
  2. Fill Out
  3. Mail to 2113 Citrus Blvd. Ste. A, Leesburg FL 34748.

Digital Contributions – Step 1

Making an online contribution is a two step process. In keeping with AA’s Seventh Tradition of self-support, we accept contributions only from AA groups and members. By completing this short form before making your contribution you are helping to ensure Tradition 7 is honored.

Once you click “Submit” you will be taken to Step Two to make your contribution.

[give_form id="1143"]

Suggested Contribution Breakdown

  • 60%   East Bay Intergroup, Inc.  4096 Piedmont Avenue Box 407 Oakland, CA 94611
  • 30%  World Service  Post Office Box 2407, James A Farley Station, New York, NY 10116-2407
  • 5%   Treasurer, CNCA, 1390 N. McDowell Blvd, Suite G – 339, Petaluma CA 94954
  • 5%   General Service
  • District 07 Alameda North  PO Box 187, Oakland, CA 94604
  • District 70 Alameda South  PO Box 3412, Hayward, CA 94544
  • Pink Can – H&I Committee  PO Box 192490, San Francisco, CA 94119

Group Contributions

East Bay Intergroup, Inc. accepts contributions from meetings, groups and clubs at the Intergroup Office. We accept checks, money orders, cashiers’ checks and cash. Please bring or mail your contributions to the address above. DO NOT MAIL CASH. Always clearly mark your contributions with the name of your meeting or group.

Individual Direct Gifts

East Bay Intergroup, Inc. works fully in accordance with A.A. Traditions. Donations are accepted ONLY from members of the Fellowship. We do not accept outside donations from non-members or from other organizations. Under AA guidelines, donations from individual members are limited to $5000 per year.

Birthday Club

Many members of the Fellowship choose to make a donation to show their gratitude to AA on their birthday. Typically, this is called becoming a member of the Birthday Club. Members donate a dollar or some multiple for each year of their sobriety annually. Birthday Club givers can set up an annual automatic payment on your debit or credit card.

New Advisory Action! Virtual Groups and Conference Participation

  1. The U.S./Canada General Service Structure recognize online groups and encourage their participation, listing those groups who ask to be listed within the group’s preferred district and area, with the default option being the location of the group’s primary contact. This supersedes the 1997 Advisory Action that designated online groups as “International Correspondence Meetings.” – 2022
  2. The General Service Board form a committee to explore future possibilities for the participation of online groups in the U.S./Canada General Service structure.

Send Cash

Cash App Me

cashapp link

Venmo Me

venmo link

Paypal Me

paypal link

Send via Zelle or from your bank.

Here are the Zelle details you should know for the transfer:

Zelle Name: Copy
Zelle Email: Copy
Zelle Phone: Copy

Lake-Sumter Central Office Meeting Details Update

In effort to ensure our meetings online are current and accurate, please complete the form below.

Are you updating a meeting or submitting a new meeting?
Group Name
Day(s) of the week (check all that apply)(Required)
Type (check all that apply)