We need Volunteers - Wildwood Picnic - Bike Fest - Hotline
******* 24/7 HOTLINE: 352-632-2001 *******
Events - see EVENTS Menu for Flyers
3/29/25 1st Annual Wildwood Picnic 11am-4pm
District 7 GSR Events - 3/8, 3/23, 3/29
3/14-16/25 SOBERSTOCK 20th Anniversary - Music Festival
4/12/25 Celebrate Woman's Recovery - OS + Activites
4/24-27/25 Bikefest in Leesburg
5/2-4/25 Back To Basics Woman's Retreat
5/16-18/25 Prodigal Son's V Spring Men's Retreat
5/16-18/25 Robber's Roost Men's Workshop/Golf Tournament 
7/3-6/25 International Convention - Vancover BC

LSCO Hours: Tues,Thurs & Fri 10am-2pm 

Steering and Rep Meetings on the 2nd Wednesday each month (5:30 and 6:30)
ZOOM:  320 881 8811 PW 077826

Drinking Problem?
Call our HOTLINE for help.
Call or Email for Help!

The AA Hotline will be answered 24/7 by an AA Member for anyone reaching out for help with alcohol.

Hotline # (352) 632-2001

Espanol(a) # (407)-240-1181

Group News




Office Sale February 7th on Friday.  Make an offer on all kinds of stuff.  Look Forward to seeing you.


Office Sale February 7th on Friday.  Make an offer on all kinds of stuff.  Look Forward to seeing you.


District 7 is looking for Volunteers for correctional facilities. D7 is located under Public Information - or you can go directly to lakecountyaa.com/corrections        for all corrections info 


Service keeps us sober
Service Committees
Ways to get involved
Learn how you can help carry the message to the still suffering alcoholic

Alcoholism Recovery Program is for Everyone

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.

There are no dues or fees for AA membership; we are self-supporting through our own contributions. AA is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes.

Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics ​to achieve sobriety.


Alcoholism Recovery Program is for Everyone

In AA, our experience is that none of us can recover alone, but that together we can.

AA does not diagnose anyone with a drinking problem.

“We do not like to pronounce any individual as alcoholic, but you can quickly diagnose yourself.”

AA was the first alcoholism recovery program that recognized the importance of self-admission or self- diagnosis for those suffering with a drinking problem.

Self-identification is the First Step of the Twelve Step recovery program.

If you think you have a problem with your drinking, if you cannot stop drinking on your own, ask yourself these simple questions:

Can you control how much you drink every time you drink?

Can you quit drinking and stay away from alcohol entirely on your own self-will?

If you answer “no” to either of these questions, and would like help, please take action.


Get In Touch


(352) 360 – 0960

(352) 632 – 2001

Fax Number:
(352) 632 – 5533

Summer Hours of Operation:
Tues-Thurs-Fri 10 am – 2pm

2113 Citrus Blvd, Suite AA, Leesburg Florida 34748

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